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28 Sep

Clobal Coach Conference Singapore 2023

  • 28 Septembris 2023 |
  • Publicēts Ziņas

Clobal Coach Conference Singapore 2023 is fast approaching and we’re looking forward to re-connecting with many long-time friends and meeting new ones! 

If you would like to join us at the conference, don’t hesitate to register ASAP so that you can make the most of the early-bird fee which expires on 30th September.  Register at:

In addition to a variety of Research and Practitioner presentations throughout the 4 days, we have some fantastic keynotes lined up as follows:

  • Etienne & Beverly Wenger-Trayner on Communities of Practice 
  • Claire Lamb, Michelle De Highden and coaches on women and coaching
  • Ross Pinder and Alex Jago from Para-Australia - Paralympic sport contexts: Rich environments for innovation
  • Natalie Baker-Ruchti - Coach education for ethical sport: A competence-based approach for the Swiss sports coaching education system
  • Michael Dunlap, NBA coach on innovation in coaching - We Over Me: Leadership as a Shared Relationship Between Coach and Athlete
  • Antero Wallinus-Rinne memorial - coaching ethics panel chaired by Lorraine Lafrenière

The ICCE General Assembly will take place during the conference programme, and we invite all ICCE members to attend. If possible, please send a representative so we can update you about our activities.  Further information regarding the General Assembly and a detailed programme will follow in the coming weeks.

The Global Coach Conference is the place to discuss and establish future networks and projects and we would very much value your presence.

Thanks, and I hope to see you in Singapore!

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